Open Doors

Open Doors

Every day, millions of Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus. In more than 60 countries, Open Doors supports them by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long-term. In the UK and Ireland, Open Doors helps the church to pray, give and speak out for those who share our faith but not our freedom.

Why does Dumfries Baptist Church support Open Doors?

We are part of the worldwide church. Brothers and sisters who are being persecuted need our support, and we are learning from them.

At DBC, we have committed to particularly supporting Christians in India.

Your DBC contacts: Hugh Brewster, Barbara Mearns


Can you name some of the 50 countries where following Jesus costs the most? Find out at the World Watch List

Meet Indian Christians, and learn about life in India.

If you have children, grab your World Watch list pack and set off on a journey of prayer through the year. Each week, colour in a flag in the prayer passport, pray for that country and put a sticker on that country on the map. How many can you visit in the year?
